HVAC Filters

How often should I change my filters?

Frequency may depend but depending on use and type of system. If you only have a heating system, you may only be replacing these filters every 3 months of use during the winter. If you have air conditioning as well, manufacturer recommendations may recommend anywhere replacing filters every 1 to 3 months. The type of replacement filters purchased may also dictate the frequency they need to be changed. We recommend you regularly check your filters make sure they're not clogged or full of dirt.

What happens if I don't change them?

The filtration system begins to circulate allergens and other contaminants throughout your home. These allergens and contaminants will result poor air quality and an increased potential for respiratory problems. Mold can develop on the filter itself. Your system will also work harder in order to push air through a clogged filter which will in turn increase your home energy consumption.

In extreme cases, a dirty air filter may become so clogged that the filter itself becomes sucked into the system, compromising air flow through the filter. This situation poses a serious fire hazard and can cause extreme damage to your HVAC unit and your home.

Fortunately, changing an air filter is something any homeowner can do. If you’re not sure where your air filter is located, any local HVAC technician can show you how to complete this essential job during a regular system maintenance visit.