Annual Renaissance Report Given to Chehalis City Council

City of Chehalis Washington Official Website

During the Chehalis City Council's first meeting of the new year, Chehalis Community Renaissance Team (CCRT) Chair David Hartz provided a year-end report on the accomplishments of the CCRT and provided a look ahead to key projects in 2014.

Review of 2013

1. Business Incubator Project.  A $66,000 grant was received to conduct a feasibility study, which determined that the focus on thin film technology would not work, so the project is on hold until the right match can be found.  The EDC is still looking into the idea.

2. Discover! Children’s Museum.  The pilot project closed on December 29 with 15,218 paid admissions during the 11-month pilot, which surpassed all expectations.  One-third of the attendees were drop-in visitors.  A promotional video was shot to be used when seeking funding sources for the permanent facility.  Thank you to Jeff McQuarrie from Centralia College who offered his services.

3. Chehalis Avenue Resurfacing/Beautification Project.  The Renaissance is providing the trees and plantings for the beautification portion of this project. The project bids came in over estimates and will be rebid in January 2014.

4. Marketing Campaign.  An application was submitted to the state to receive “Main Street” designation.  Facebook ads increased our "likes” from 1,000 to just over 3,000 during a two-month period.  A mobile version of the city website was launched, including the Historic Downtown Walking Tour.  The Chehalis visitor brochure and event rack card were again produced and distributed.

5. PUD Substation Park at Main & Quincy.  A schematic drawing has been completed and includes art using recycled pieces from the former substation, planters, benches, a fountain, and an electronic reader board.

6. Steam Train.  The Renaissance retained the consulting firm, PARC (Public Affairs Research Consultants) to work with the Steam Train leadership on preparing a five-year strategic plan.

7. Litter Patrol.  Our partnership with Reliable Enterprises for litter removal continued.

8. Holiday Decorations.  This past holiday season included all-white lights in the historic downtown.  This year’s focus was on Chehalis Avenue and we need to thank all the building owners who let us use their electricity.  A special thanks to the Chehalis Foundation for providing $10,000 to improve and expand our holiday decorations.

2014 Key Projects

1. Discover! Children's Museum.  Plans are progressing for a permanent museum.  The Discover! advisory board will meet on February 3 to begin planning for the new facility.

2. Chehalis Avenue Resurfacing/Beautification Project.  The Renaissance is committed to providing the trees and plantings for this project.

3. Marketing Campaign.  $11,000 in Chehalis lodging tax funds were received for reprinting the visitor brochure and event rack card, and the Historic Downtown Chehalis Walking Tour booklet, continuation of the Experience Chehalis Facebook and e-newsletter, and photography to create a pool of tourist-type marketing photos.  Besides the above, the following priorities were also established:

  • Complete wayfinding sign project
  • Partner with the Chamber on designing and implementing a “Think Local – Shop Local” campaign
  • Utilize our new membership in the Main Street Program to focus on downtown revitalization
  • Maintain awareness of closing/moving businesses and empty buildings and seek proactive ideas
  • Seek opportunities to implement a “Storefront Art Project” in empty buildings
  • Build our database of businesses

4. PUD Park at Main & Quincy.  Next steps include determining the best materials for constructing the concrete planter and bench, and selecting the surplus PUD materials that will be incorporated into the park.  A design for an electronic reader board is in process as is a budget.  We hope to complete the project over the next two years.

5. Steam Train.  The strategic plan is anticipated to be completed by March.  As part of the plan, steps are already beginning to start the audit of 2013 financials. Once the strategic plan and audit have been completed, PARC will start the process of identifying grant opportunities to meet the substantial projected capital needs being identified.

6. Holiday Decorations. The committee will meet January 15 to review progress and start to finalize a five-year plan to present to the Chehalis Foundation seeking their continued partnership.

7. Downtown Plantings.  We intend to expand public participation in both the plantings and hanging baskets for Market Boulevard and eventually Chehalis Avenue.  Business and individual sponsorships for the planting of annuals has been very successful the last two years. In 2013 we raised $600 for a local non-profit and we intend to continue these efforts.

8. Chehalis Theater. With the permission of the current owner, a committee has been formed to explore creative options for this facility. They have met twice and have two more meetings scheduled. Stan Foster, PARC, is lending his expertise. We are looking for ways to keep the marquee lit!

9. Local Business Development/Community Outreach. A partnership between the Lewis County EDC, the Chamber, and the CCRT Marketing Committee is being formed to provide education to employees and business owners on how to improve business practices and marketing efforts that enhance all entities.